Some photgraphs relating to the Biographical Memoir
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The author aged about 3 | |
The author aged about 8 or 9 in the back garden. |
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The author at the helm of a motor boat on an early holiday in Salcombe. Not Invention. | | .
The author aged about 13 at Millbay in Salcombe |
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An early visit to Salcombe, with sister Frances sitting on the wall, Mum looking round. This near the bottom of the hotel gardens. | |
Mum takes the tiller of Invention on an early visit to Salcombe, towing a pram dinghy. I’m in this picture, probably taken by Daddy. |
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My bicycle in front of the garage at the side of the house. That was about where I left my ill-fated sledge. Viewed from my bedroom window. | |
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'Skip', in charge of the scout troop. | |
"One of Simon's great excitements at Salcombe was the occasional visits by small naval vessels." HMS Watchguard passing the hotel. Invention moored in the foreground. |
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The author aged about 14 with the motor boat 'Invention'. | |
The author aged about 14 again at Salcombe |
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A reader of my biography asks what a trolleybus was. It was an all electric bus powered from twin overhead lines but steerable because it had normal wheels so unlike a tram it was manoeuvrable, provided it didn't stray too far from the wires. Very environmentally friendly. Noticve the open rear platforms, usual on all buses at that time. | |
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The little Ford car that took Simon north | |
The author aged about 15 at the helm of the sloop 'Intombi' at Salcombe |
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The 1937 Fife One Bermudan sloop "Intombi" at Salcombe on which the author learned the skills of sailing . When the author revisited Salcombe in 2003, he was pleased find the old lady still afloat and in use by the original owner's son. Picture taken from "Invention". | |
The author aged 14 in Salcombe. |
The dairy showing to the left the tank above the cooler that the milk had to be poured into, and a churn underneath filling. |
Karl outside the house, with the Kreidler Floret in the foreground. |
The author leaning on the "Iron Curtain" at Wildenau. Communist Czech guards in that house behind. |
Mum and Ken were getting married. Simon was there, Frances too. There was a party at some friends who had a large house and hosted this reception for them. Simon decided he liked champagne! |
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The author aged 16, wearing the controversial Sixth Form 'uniform'. And now glasses. | |
The author aged 17. If memory serves correctly, that Harris Tweed jacket was worn the evening of 'The Event'. |
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The only picture the author has of Ruth. Taken at Piraeus in Greece, with our ship in the background. | |
The smaller of a pair of sheath knives given to the author as a present by Daniel. The larger knife used in the murder attempt is long lost. |
Angry young man, passport photo aged 18, September 1964 |
My first taste of teaching, a class of 15 year olds in a tough secondary modern school. I even had to teach woodwork. They taught me! |
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1968 and the author in his new police uniform | |
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The author with his father on a visit to Nottingham late 1960s. The car is the Austin Cambridge. | |
The author with his lovely bride on their wedding day in 1970 |
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Our first little house, 1970. 'Karen' in the side window watching me | |
The back of our first house with the extra long garage. |
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The BSA 500cc single cylinder (1955 B33) that the author and his friend lavished so much love on. | |
A classic Lake District view of Catbells, with memories for the author and wife. |
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1974 and we move to a new build house - we watched it go up. | |
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The author in his police uniform, now an inspector, late 1980s | |
'Simon' and 'Karen' on the London Eye |
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My father (with me) shortly before he went into the care home, this fragile old man who once flew a Mosquito over Nazi occupied Europe with no guns, just cameras | |
Dad talked of his beloved Mosquito. "Could turn inside a (Messerschmitt) 109, very useful more than once." Referring to the Mosquito's agility compared to the famous 109. No guns, just cameras. |
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Following in his mother's path, the author taking off in the Tiger Moth, 2006 | |
The ledge on the bridge where 'James' put himself and the author through a terrifying night in 2009. |