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"How is it that the clouds still hang on you?"
(Hamlet: Act 1, Scene 2)

An amazing book!! (Link)
"This beautifully written story about the power of love, and the
ability to forgive oneself is the most moving book I have read
in a long time.

Very powerful and thought provoking read. (link)
"Just finished Clouds. Been through full range of emotions
- sympathy, disappointment, frustration, but what a read. Loved it."

A Triumphant Journey of Love, Betrayal, and Self-Discovery
Three deep loves, rape, murder plot, abuse, crime and trial;
one gay man's life has this and more.


The Clouds Still Hang: a trilogy telling a story of love and loyalty, betrothal and betrayal, triumph and tragedy; novels that chart one man's attempts to rise above the legacy of a traumatic childhood; the story of a gay man's life and consequences of repressed sexuality.
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Patrick C Notchtree

Also by Patrick C Notchtree:

Maxym book cover
Buy it here.

A little book of Islam; a short guide for curious westerners
Buy it here.

Apostrophe Catastrophe book cover
Buy it here.

Hunting Harry book cover
Buy it here.

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About Patrick C Notchtree

Patrick C Notchtree now lives in the north of England with his wife and has his son and granddaughters nearby. Read more

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Audio logoThe entire trilogy is also available as an audiobook. Hear me read my own true story.

The Complete Trilogy also available as three separate books and is also available in Large Print from here.

"I've never read a book that's taken hold of me in such an emotional way. It's on my mind weeks later. I see your pics [on this website] and I can see the book I read. Lovely." Tweet from Australia.

Three deep loves, rape, murder plot, abuse, crime and trial; one gay man's true life story and journey to rise above the legacy of a traumatic childhood that almost destroyed him to emerge at last self forgiving and true to himself.

Excerpts from the Book

It is a varied, exciting, demanding, sometimes terrifying life story. It is not suitable for those under 18 years or who find explicit gay sexuality, sexual narrative, including sexual violence, offensive.
There are links here to some excerpts from the book. They give a taste of each phase of Simon's life, but hopefully without the need for "spoiler alerts".
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