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Limebury Books

Book covers

Limebury Books is undertaking on-line and paperback publications on behalf of Patrick C Notchtree.

Patrick's author page on Amazon:

Maxym by Patrick C. Notchtree
Maxym is a beautiful, loving and lovable young Russian man. But there's a dark side to Maxym. No, not that he's gay but he's a merciless killer. A page turning thriller on Kindle, paperback and audiobook.

Hunting Harry by Patrick C. Notchtree
A fast paced novella of deception and betrayal

The Clouds Still Hang by Patrick C. Notchtree
The true story of my life. The only fictional elements are that I have changed the names of people and some place names. The events, good, bad and ugly, are true.

Apostrophe Catastrophe by Patrick C. Notchtree
Forget what you were taught at school. There's just ONE simple apostrophe rule. Never get it wrong again!

A Little Book of Islam by Patrick C. Notchtree
A quick easy read that covers the basics of this important religion

The Creative Classroom: Negotiated Curriculum Study in Education by Chloe West Nethercot BA (Hons)
Creativity within the Primary Classroom - what does it look like and how can the provision for it be improved? This study examines the process and using history as an example vehicle, demonstrates how this can be achieved.