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Book covers of current books: Maxym, Dancing with Panthers, Hunting Harry, The Clouds Still Hang, Apostrophe Catastrophe, A Little Book if Islam, The Creative Classroom

Earth from space

We are all in this together...

"Finally the deepest common thing in us is that we live on the same small planet. We breathe the same air. We all care about the future of our children and we are all mortal beings." - John F Kennedy

..and yet both at the macro level and the micro - internationally and personally - we waste the time God has given us here on Planet Earth with warfare, hatred, personal animosity and greed.

God is Merciful and Compassionate. We are tasked to honor Him, submit to His Will and be in our turn merciful and compassionate to our fellow men and women.

And to be true to ourselves and know ourselves, and forgive ourselves for our wrongdoing so we may know to forgive others. "Judge not, that ye be not judged." (Matthew 7.1). And forgiveness is based upon good works, as it says, "Good deeds annul evil deeds." (Qur'an, 11:114).

In such a way we may find God's Peace and live with each other as brothers

We need to unite to combat the greatest threat that we have yet faced, that of the destruction of our world by Climate Change. This challenge is greater than any other, for if there is no world on which to live, all other challenges are meaningless.

We can all do our part as each small saving of unnecessary carbon will make a small but important contribution to saving our planet as we know it, for our children and their children after them.

There is no Planet B!

Limebury Books

Limebury Books is an imprint for self publishing by Patrick C. Notchtree and arranges self publication for member authors either by electronic means, audio narrated or in a print run.

If you are interested in Limebury, or have a question about Limebury, please make contact by sending an email from the form on this website.

Patrick's latest novel

Patrick's new novel, "Dancing with Panthers"

When you're queer, what's the point in having dreams?

Front Cover of Dancing with Panthers When tall, fair, good looking but lonely Mark Martin living in northern England is offered a lot of money in 1961, aged just fourteen, it sets him off in a whole new direction as a rent boy.

At the same time he becomes labelled a hero so his public profile is raised at a time when he wants to keep certain things very private. How does he balance these two?

Highly respected and destined for success, he then finds that the dark world of the under-age, gay sex worker is more complex and dangerous than he thought. He is later forced to escape across the world on a wild adventure with his protector and lover but finds himself in even more danger.

Not suitable for under 18s or the faint-hearted.

The book's website.