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Lawrie Quinn MP Early Day Motion on TransBus Closure

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Early Day Motion 645 put down by Lawrie Quinn MP on 8 May 2001
That this House regrets the Transbus International plc announcement of the proposed closure of the Plaxton bus and coach factory, Eastfield, Scarborough at the end of the working day on Thursday 3rd May; is concerned that this proposal will deny 700 employees future employment and consequential loss of contracts to suppliers and sub-contractors in North Yorkshire and will result in one out of 20 members of the local workforce losing their livelihoods; notes that the withdrawal of the company will jeopardise future employment opportunities in Scarborough and North Yorkshire with the potential collapse of the local economy; commends the actions taken by Plaxton employees, local authorities and regional government agencies with the support of Her Majesty's Government in establishing an Eastfield rapid reaction taskforce to secure a sustainable outcome for the people of Scarborough; and supports representations by the honourable Member for Scarborough and Whitby to Her Majesty's Government for the enhancement of the economic prospects for the communities of Eastfield, Scarborough and North Yorkshire by urgent consideration of a special assisted area status for Scarborough, progress for upgrading of the A64 transport corridor to the North Yorkshire coast and the continued fullest support for the Eastfield rapid reaction taskforce.

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On behalf of Lawrie Quinn